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Activity/ 7 Action area 

What is first needed for wellbeing in the age of 100 years of life is a way of thinking and seeing that is not limited by age. We aim to create a tolerant society that allows people to live and work in a way that is free from age-related restrictions, and a sustainable, symbiotic society. We promote policy proposals and public-private partnership projects to promote the integration of seven main areas, including health, medical care and nursing care, planetary health, and the economy and management that support these areas.


Mind set

Combat Ageism

Action area① Mind Set X Age free   #Combat Ageism

Next to Gender-Free, Age-Free. Updating values and prejudices against age, such as ageism and annualism, to promote 3rd diversity, Age free.

Are you age-restricting and dividing employment opportunities, ways of life, communication opportunities, and even the lives of others?

It has been proven that ageism (age discrimination, ageism bias, and negative mindset toward aging), which is prevalent in Japanese society, reduces social, mental, and physical well-being. In addition to age restrictions on how to live and work, as well as on community participation as a third place, and in companies, age restrictions on new graduate hiring and mid-career hiring, are currently inhibiting factors in innovation creation. It is also one of the factors contributing to social isolation, loneliness, and intergenerational division.

In Finland, the country with the world's highest level of happiness, the term "ageism" (age discrimination and ageism) does not even exist. What is first needed in Japan in the 100-year age is to foster a mindset and awareness to live proactively, coexist, and collaborate beyond the framework of age, generation, existing values, and stereotypes. In 2021, we will coordinate a lecture by a WHO official on the second version of the UN SDGs, in which the importance of de-agingism is stated, as a mindset necessary for a super-aging society, and in 2022, we will hold a discussion on this subject at our forum with Linda Gratton and people from the Embassy of Finland, as well as a discussion on the third We also raised awareness of the importance of age diversity as the third type of diversity. We will continue to plan various events in the future.

Action area② Work Style X Age free

​Suggested Age diversity.Proposing a redesign of work styles to survive and innovate in an era of change with prof. Linda Gratton.

Where does the precedent of corporate organizations, business, and individual ways of life come from? Multigenerational organizations, teams, and communities have increased well-being and improved results. The key here is that age diversity is only possible with an individual's age-free mindset. In creative work such as new business creation, no matter how many generational heads or new systems are introduced into the organization, if the mindset and rules of the management level remain the same as before, the results will be limited. At the 2022 Forum, Linda Gratton (photo), author of LIFE SHIFT: Life Strategies for the 100-Year Era, will speak about the need for Japanese companies in the 100-year era to not only promote women's activities, which are lagging behind those of other developed countries around the world, but also to promote the development of a seniority-based and annualism system, which is extremely rare in the world. In addition to the promotion of women's activities, which lags behind the world's developed countries, seniority and ageism, a type of ageism that is extremely rare in the world, are also important for corporate organizations to change the mindset of management, not to follow the rules, methods, and precedents of the past, but to adapt to changing times and be flexible to new ideas and challenges. It is important for each individual to think independently and to contribute his/her own strength, rather than remaining top-down and stuck in the past, and to maintain ties with people outside the family and workplace in the multi-stage life of the 100-year age, to stay healthy, resilient, and continue to develop at any age, and to not be dependent on a single company. It is also important to live independently, regardless of age, and not be dependent on one company.

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Redesigning work

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MicrosoftTeams-image (3).png

STI for Well-being

Action area③ エイジフリーX 教育、科学技術・イノベーション

Find the next Apple or Tesla!
Well-being & Age-tech Award 


Held the Well-being & Age-tech Award ito promote the discovery and utilization of science, technology, and innovation that enhance the wellbeing and inclusiveness of the super-aging society. The Digital Minister Award will be presented by our organization to support further development and global expansion.

Through this award, we have learned that there are many Age-tech companies and researchers in Japan who are making efforts to solve problems. This is a great advantage for Japan, which has the world's smallest birthrate and aging population. If government, industry, and academia work together to foster and promote the use of business and research, it will be possible to contribute to and lead other countries facing the same challenges. Innovations that can be deployed globally will be shared with the Expo Association, and if highly evaluated, may lead to opportunities to disseminate them to the rest of the world. The startups awarded the Digital Minister's Prize by our organization will be offered the opportunity to present at JETRO as an inspection tech for the Age-tech delegation sent by the Singapore government. In addition, upon request, we will provide consulting support to the winning companies for co-creation and development of innovation, including opportunities to participate in Living Labs with local governments and coordination of joint research with overseas academia. *Free consulting services are limited, so please consult with us.


Action area④ Age-Free X Urban and Regional Development

Age-Friendly Urban Development

Sustainable urban environment and community

We aim to create a sustainable urban environment that is friendly to small children, pregnant women, the handicapped, and the elderly,and where people can spend their days in good health.

In Japan, 70% of municipalities lack public transportation. Roads, public facilities, and equipment are not wheelchair-accessible, making it difficult to walk or even casually leave the house, even if it is just a little difficult to walk. Barrier-free city planning, automatic driving, Maas, nursing homes, medical care, nursing care, community, housing facilities, agriculture and food, energy, education, and life are all in the city. Our organization has established a subcommittee for community development and plans to collaborate with the local government to co-create an Age Tech living lab. We will support activities from demonstration to implementation.

We will support the companies that win the Well-being & Age-tech Award to demonstrate and implement the Living Lab with local governments upon request, and if necessary, coordinate joint research with overseas academia.


#Age friendly city


lntegrated Care

​Organized Japan's First Medical ICT Roundtable in the International Conference Room of the House of Representatives

Action area⑤ Medical, Nursing, and Preventive Health Care for Age free life

Health care is crisis management. Promoting the use of ICT in health economic perspectives, prevention, medical care, and long-term care.
Integrated Care

The medical, long-term care, and healthcare sectors cannot be left out when considering a super-aging society. Japan has universal health insurance, a system in which everyone has equal access to medical care, but its sustainability is in jeopardy due to rising medical costs. Medical expenses are only increasing, and most of the lifetime medical expenses are spent after the age of 75 or older. More than 40 trillion yen of taxpayer money is spent annually, much of it paid to pharmaceutical companies. Challenges abound, such as dementia drugs that do not work for Japanese people and continue to be administered in domestic hospitals even though they have been found to be zero cost-effective. In addition to prevention from a young age and the utilization of medical and health data, advanced medical care and end-of-life care must also be discussed and reviewed in a super-aged society. In modern Japan, however, it is considered a virtue to keep people alive even if they can no longer eat, and gastric lavage is considered abusive in other countries. The number of respondents who want medical treatment only to prolong their lives and let nature take its course is 91.1%. How much life-prolonging and advanced medical care should be provided, and whether the bill for such medical expenses should be left to the next generation, require discussion and system reform for the sake of the next generation and ourselves in the future, as well as a change in individual awareness here.


Action area⑥ Global environment, climate change, peace, food and energy

Planetary health, Global health

Looking at cycles in terms of climate, resources and food, disasters are increasing on a global scale along with climate change due to CO2 and other factors generated by economic activities, and in Japan and the rest of the world, most of the victims are the elderly and children, with disasters ranking fourth on the list of concerns about old age in Japan. In addition, as in Black Diamond* (film), conflicts and illicit trade for resources occur in the world, resulting in poverty and the birth of what used to be boy soldiers, for whom pharmaceutical companies through the UN still provide a large amount of medicines and vaccines. At the dinner table, for example, 11 kg of maize feeds 1 kg of beef, which means that we are daily consuming food from countries where maize is the staple food. Some agricultural and fisheries products cannot be exported domestically due to the use of pesticides and additives banned in the EU. We are one of the rare countries that import food and leave the rest of the world behind when it comes to food, and while there have been considerable improvements in the last decade under the rallying cry of SDGs, decarbonisation and integrated reporting, there is still room for improvement, and the key to this is the daily choices and mindset of each and every one of us. The organisation is working to help with advocacy activities, such as by inviting organisations working on these global issues to commentate on the forum and offer their opinions and recommendations, as well as technology that can be used as health tech in developing countries in the Wellbeing & Age Tech Awards winning tech. Support.


Planetary health,
Global health

​写真 千葉県大山千枚棚田での田植え with 農水省有志 NINO Farm


 Inclusive Economy
Sustainable Management
& Policy

Action area⑦Sustainable Economy, Finance, Management

Turning the Pinch of Super Aging society into Opportunity
Sustainable Economy, Finance and Management

Although it is often assumed that aging = decline, according to Dr. Yusuke Narita, Associate Professor at Yale University, who gave a lecture at the first Forum, Germany, Sweden, Singapore, and South Korea, which also have aging populations, have achieved economic growth through thorough mechanization and DX. Japan has a high aging rate compared to other countries and faces diverse and compounding social issues. However, being the world's largest super-aged nation, we are a country with advanced issues, and solving these issues will lead to solutions for the world's issues. We will discuss, propose, and act on what kind of economic, financial, and corporate management approaches, including policies, are possible in the future to create a sustainable society that can be passed on to the next generation.

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