Well Aging Economic Forum
#エイジテック #ウェルビーイング #少子高齢社会 #女性活躍 #官民 #エイジズム #イノベーション #サステナビリティ
Well-being &Age-tech 2024 Award
12/17㊋ 18:45~21:30@霞が関(調整中)
Yojiro Kunitomo
Goldman & SucksManaging Dorector
Rui Matsukawa
Member House of
Robert Feldman
Professor, Tokyo University of Science Graduate School
Mitsubishi Morgan Stanley Securities, Senior Economist
Masaaki Taira
Digital Minister
Member of House of Representatives
Yumi Sato
CEO, Founder,
Well Aging Economic Forum , CEO, NTEGRACE
Government Affairs consultant
Shinichiro Sanji
Senior Officer,
PwC Consulting LLC
Keisuke Murakami
Director General, Digital Agency
Motoshi Hayano
Resercher of Longevity
CEO, Longevity start-us
Junichi Kanda
Deputy Ministers of the Cabinet Office and the Financial Services Agency
Keisuke Goda
Professor, Graduate school, University of Tokyo
Executive, CYBO
Kazunari Sugimitsu
Prof, Graduate School
of Kanazawa Technology University
Shinpei Kato
( Unicorn start-ups)
Specially Appointed Associate Professor,University of Tokyo
Kazumi Nishikawa
Principal Director, Economic Security Policy, Minister's Secretariat, METI
Honoka Kisou
CEO, Tregem bio farma
Well-being&Age-tech2021 Award Award of Excellence-winning start-ups
Kotono Hara
Government official of
Eisuke Shimizu
Well-being&Age-tech2022 Award Digital Minister Award-winning start-ups
Hirotaka Nagayama
GM, Government Official of Ministry of land, Infrastructure, transportation, Tourism
Akihiko Soyama
Link-J Managing director
Member of the jury for our Age tech award
Gen Sakaeda
Genics CEO
(Student in Waseda University)
Well-being&Age-tech2023 Award of Excellence-winning start-ups
XXXX Shiono
Government official, MEXT
Government official Healthcare Industry Division, METI
Goya Kobayashi
Counsellor, Government Official of Cabinet Office
Takaaki Umezawa
Chairman, AT Kerny
Chairman, CIC JAPAN
Ueki Imaoka
LDP Tokyo 26th General branch Leader
Former Ministry of Finance official
後援 昨年度の省庁調整中
協賛スポンサー 募集中
■とき 12月17日(火)18:45~21:45 (開場 18:15 )
■ところ 飯野ビル イイノカンファレンス&ホール4階(霞が関駅 直結)
テーマ 100年時代のDEI ✖ Longevity
Well-being & Age-tech 2024 Award
テーマ シリコンバレーのLongevityスタートアップに学ぶ、常識に捉われない思考システム
第三部 交流会
参加費 3.500円(飲み物・軽食付) 早割 3.000円 (税込)
Well-being, Well-aging
About Well Ageing Ecnomic Forum
Public & Private for good
How can we enhance wellbeing in Japan, the world's most aged society with the lowest birthrate and the world's most common challenges, and how can we pass on a sustainable future to the next generation, at a time when population decline, ageing and longevity and technological innovation are accelerating? The Age Tech Forum is an all-generational co-creation, public service and pro bono non-profit organisation that transcends age, position and industry boundaries and brings together the knowledge and aspirations of the public and private sectors, building on the public-private policy roundtable* that has been ongoing since 2009, and holds an annual forum and Age Tech awards and presents a ministerial prize every year. In line with the Sustainability Disclosure, we have now launched the Sustainability Management Council, one of the seven action areas.
About Well-Aging Economic Forum
Representative Director/Founder
Yumi Sato
Policy Analyst/ Entrepreneur
Kazunari Sugimitsu
Professor of Graduate school of Kanazawa Technology University
Yojiro Kunitomo
Managing Director,
Goldman & Sachs
Deputy Director,
Ayumi Kono
Government official of MAFF
Drector Ueki Imaoka
Head of Tokyo 26-area, LDP/ former Government Offisial of MOF
Staff Kotono Hara
Government official of Foregn Affairs
Executive advisory board
Feldman Robert
Senior economist, MUFJ
Takaaki Umzawa
Chairman, AT Kerney, Japan
Ken Shibusawa
Chairman, Commons Investment
Takayuki Sumita
Executive Director, Sumitomo corporation
Keisuke Goda
Proffesor, Tokyo graduate University
Yuka Shimada
Reprezentative, Wellbeing Initiative
Norikazu Suzuki
Top runners from various fields.
Conference to propose new values for the 100-year age & an award to present the Minister's Prize to the masterpiece of Age Tech.
In 2022, a conference will be held with Linda Gratton, author of the international bestseller LIFE SHIFT: Life Strategies for the 100 Year Era. She proposes DEI, gender-free and age-free ways of living and working in the 100-year era. After the nuclear accident, coordinated a press conference and interview with the world-famous investor, Mr W. Buffett, to declare Japan's recovery; from 2021, organised an award to discover and promote the use of well-being tech and age tech that will lead to solutions for the challenges of the super-aged society, to enlighten minds and to promote Japan's By lobbying for social innovation and supporting the expansion and co-creation of social innovation around the world that faces the same challenges, we aim to realise a world where people can live enriched lives at any age.
Next to gender-free, Age-free!
Towards an all-generational, self-reliant and symbiotic society where neither the old nor the young are restricted in their possibilities by age.
Change values, ways of living and working, and rules, to redesign a society with a very low birthrate and an ageing population.
We are too old’ and “too young to do anything”. Should we be disciplined at the top and obey at the bottom?
Have we set limits, restrictions and boundaries on our potential from childhood based on age, year or hierarchy? Some students say they cannot study abroad because they are a year late, while even high school girls assume that women lose value as they get older. In the workplace, they are often still required to be disciplined by their bosses. ..... Will Japan produce a French Prime Minister Atali (34), a British Prime Minister Sinak (42)* or a former Finnish Prime Minister Malin (34)*? It is difficult to speak up and innovation is difficult to be born in an organisation with poor ventilation. *Age at election
There is no ageism (discrimination and prejudice against age) in the country with the highest level of happiness in the world.
What is first needed for wellbeing in the age of 100 years is a way of looking at things and thinking that transcends the mental barriers and divisions of age and generation. Ageism (ageism, prejudice and annualism) is considered the third most discriminatory in the world after racism and gender discrimination, and the SDGs advocate the elimination of age discrimination and division from the perspective of inclusiveness, which is their main aim. In Finland, the happiest country in the world, there is not even a word for age discrimination. Now is the time for diversity of mind in individuals and in organisations.
Turning the pinch of a declining and ageing population into an opportunity. Solving Japan's challenges to solving the world's challenges.
There are countries that are growing despite an ageing population. An award will be organised to raise awareness and create a variety of options through rule-making suited to the actual situation, and to discover and promote the use of age-tech to enhance the wellbeing of an ageing society with a super-low birthrate. The winning companies are provided with domestic and international development and co-creation consulting support, including coordination with overseas government AgeTech inspection teams, local governments, international organisations and overseas universities, as well as regulatory support. By supporting the development and co-creation of Japanese social innovations in ASEAN and the rest of the world, which share the same challenges, we aim to realise a world in which people of all ages can live enriched lives and achieve peace.
Redesign your mindset from last paradigm
Prescription for Japanese companies
in the age of 100 years
Redesigning our lifestyle and work approach is essential for survival and innovation in this era of change.
Prof. Linda Gratton Visiting Lecturer on November 30, 2022.
Robert Feldman
Werren Buffet
Yumi Sato Taro Aso Shinji Inoue
Taro Kono
Junichi Kanda
Yusuke Narita
Masahiko Shibayama
Ayano Kunimitsu
Age is just a number
Public & Private Policy discussion Representative Director, Well Aging Economic Forum Yumi Sato/ Economist Rbert Feldman / Prof Linda Gratton/ Senior Government Official of digital Agency, Kohei Yoshida/ Former Director of Unilever Japan, Yuka Shimada
Publication, Lecture
NEW!Established the Sustainability Management Council. This is a new community (consortium) where the public and private sectors can update rules and share and exchange information on sustainability management in line with the FSA's mandatory disclosure of sustainability information in securities reporting
Kyodo News interviewed our Representative Director, Yumi Sato about AgeTech and introduced the high-profile AgeTech in newspapers across the country.
Wellulu, a media outlet for wellbeing, interviewed our Chairman, Sato, and Board member, Imaoka.
Start of the WG on Sustainability Management
Dear interested companies
The first forum proposed the idea of a sustainable future society for the next generation in 2050, and we will hold a subcommittee (council) to discuss the future of sustainability management in the public and private sectors, and to share and update information and aspirations from around the world. *We look forward to hearing from interested corporate representatives and other interested parties.
Photo: Toshihide Endo, Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, and moderator Yumi Sato.
The Sankei Newspaper published an article about AgeTech and some of the Forum's Wellbeing & AgeTech Award activities.
Photo: the Forum's AgeTech market map and the smart eye camera that attaches to the smartphone of start-up OUI, which won the Digital Minister's Award at the Forum.
スマホで眼科受診・転んでも骨折しない床…IT技術で高齢者サポート 「エイジテック」が急速拡大 100歳時代の歩き方 - 産経ニュース (sankei.com)
Yumi Sato, Chairman served as a judge at the Youth Care Summit (Youth Care Summit) policy contest organised by students. After the summit of local authorities, young carers from primary schools to university students selected from all over the country gathered to make a policy presentation under the theme Care x 00.
Yumi Sato, Chairman of the Well Ageing Economy Forum, appeared as a guest on J-WAVE's STEP ONE programme 'ON THE EDGE' as a professional news commentator on the popular Japanese news app 'News picks'. She commented on the news about the Nobel Prize in Economics 2023, gender ageism in Japan and well agein
President Yumi Sato took over as News picks commentater and commented on news about Mr. Elon Musk and the super-aged society. "Elon Musk could be our god of super-aging country!?"
#Elon Musk #Super-aged society
#Neuralink Corporation #Brain
Yumi Sato, President of the Forum, gave a lecture on Japan's age-tech market and the challenges of a super-aged society to an age-tech delegation sent by the Singapore Government, and coordinated the companies they visited
(Photo below: OUI, a start-up that won the Minister of Digital Award at the Well-being & Age-tech Award, making a presentation at JETRO).
2023. 2.26
A part of the well-aging economic forum was rebroadcast on NHK WORLD
Part of the well-aging economic forum was broadcast on NHK-BS1 "LIFE SHIFT Nippon"
2023. 1.21
Well-being Economic Forum Well-being & Age-tech Award 2022 was published in Yomiuri News paper Digital
日本発の「エイジテック」が世界を変える? デジタル大臣賞を受賞した注目の2社 : 読売新聞 (yomiuri.co.jp)
Published in Nikkei Business Online
「いい年をして」とは言わせない、年齢差別なき社会つくる:日経ビジネス電子版 (nikkei.com)
#FSA #sustainability #management #Wellbeing #superageingsociety
What kind of change is required of companies in the 100-year era?In the wake of the FSA's ‘Sustainability Information Disclosure’, a public-private discussion on future corporate management with Junichi Kanda, Parliamentary Secretary
Well Aging Economic Forum
Sustainability Management Council
Launch policy roundtable 8/26㊊18:45~21:00 Held @ Thomson Reuters
What initiatives will be required in corporate management in the super ageing society as a result of mandatory sustainability information disclosure? With the global focus on ‘sustainability management’, which encompasses ‘environmental’, ‘social’ and ‘economic’ aspects and is studied as a global management style at Harvard and INSEAD, discussions were held between the public and private sectors, including Dr Kotler's proposals, on the FSA's initiatives in rule-making and the actions expected of companies. The public and private sectors discussed the FSA's initiatives in rulemaking and the actions expected of companies, including Dr Kotler's recommendations.The Forum will create a consortium where CSOs and fast runners from the public and private sectors can share, discuss and exchange the latest information and knowledge on the theme of ‘sustainability management’, one of the action areas, and plans to hold awards for best practice from next year onwards, including a Ministerial Award. We look forward to your participation.
Junichi Kanda
Parliamentary Secretary, FSA
Robert Feldman
Professor, Tokyo University of Science Graduate School
Mitsubishi Morgan Stanley Securities, Senior Economist
Yumi Sato
Representative, founder of Well Aging Econom Forum, CEO of INTEGRACE,
Government Affairs professional
Kent Miura
CEO, Tomson Rouiters
Kazunari Sugimitsu
Professor, Graduate school of Kanazawa Institute of Technology
Satoshi Ikeda
Daigo Shimizu
Evanjelist of Sustainability,
Mizuho securities Co,Ltd
経済産業大臣 西村康稔 氏
第4回 ウェルエイジング経済フォーラム
Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Awaed (開催済)
デジタル大臣 河野太郎 氏
#Age-tech #Well being #health-care #super ageing society #Combat ageism
Japan's first! The Digital Minister's Award and the Minister of METI Award for Age Tech to enhance wellbeing in the super-aged society!
Well Aging Economic Forum
Well-being & Age-Tech 2023 Award
AgeTech masterpieces to solve the challenges of a super-aged society and improve inclusivity are presented! Together with Professor Yanagisawa, a Nobel Prize nominee sleep researcher, and other world-leading innovators, including unicorn start-ups, on resilience to enhance wellbeing in the age of 100 years, and the secrets of creating ideas and technologies that are not bound by fixed concepts. Discussions and proposals in government, government, industry and academia. The venue will showcase the past winners of the Digital Minister's Award and other past awards, as well as the top 10 Age Tech companies, and will also include the following
Speakers & Commentators
Yojiro Kunitomo
Goldman & SucksManaging Dorector
Masashi Yanagisawa
Professor, Tsukuba University
Professor at the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine
Nobel Prize nominees
Persons of Cultural Merit
Yumi Sato
CEO, Founder,
Well Aging Economic Forum , CEO, NTEGRACE
Government Affairs consultant
Yasutoshi Nishimura
Minister of METI
Member of House of Representative
Shinichiro Sanji
Senior Officer,
PwC Consulting LLC
Robert Feldman
Professor, Tokyo University of Science Graduate School
Mitsubishi Morgan Stanley Securities, Senior Economist
Akimasa Ishikawa
Deputy Digital Minister
Member of House of Representatives
Ai Koike
GP、Creative Fund
Kzunarii Sugimitsu
Professor of Graduate school of Kanazawa Technology University
Kazunari Sugimitsu
Prof, Graduate School
of Kanazawa Technology University
Junichi Kanda
Deputy Ministers of the Cabinet Office and the Financial Services Agency
Takaaki Umezawa
Chairman, AT Kerny
Chairman, CIC JAPAN
Shinpei Kato
( Unicorn start-ups)
Specially Appointed Associate Professor,University of Tokyo
Kazumi Nishikawa
Principal Director, Economic Security Policy, Minister's Secretariat, METI
Risa Shinohara
Director, Private Education Management Support Planning Office, MEXT
Kazuma Ieiri
Campfire CEO
BASE Co-founder Director 共
Keisuke Murakami
Director General, Digital Agency
Hirotaka Nagayama
GM, Government Official of Ministry of land, Infrastructure, transportation, Tourism
Taro Ueno
Miki Nanbu
Director, NTTDocomo, Smart seivice company, Healthcare seivice
Kohei Yoshida
Cabinet Secretariat, Deputy Director-General, Digital Administrative and Financial Promotion Council
Goya Kobayashi
Counsellor, Government Official of Cabinet Office
Akihiko Soyama
Link-J Managing director
Member of the jury for our Age tech award
Moe Kaneko
Omoibito CEO
Ayumu Mitera
President. Mitsufuji
Kotono Hara
Givernment Official of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Masami Fujioka
Assistant General Manager, Healthcare Industry Division, METI
Eisuke Shimizu
Well-being&Age-tech2023 Award Digital Minister Award-winning start-ups
Kotono Hara Government Official
Shotaro Fujiwara
Yamori CEOl
Gen Sakaeda
Genics CEO
(Student in Waseda University)
Goushi Tanabe
I Peace CEO
Yukiko Kamijo
FFG Entrepreneurship Centre, Nagasaki University
Part-time lecturer
Masahiro Kimura
Senior Commercial Officer, Embassy of Finland
Ueki Imaoka
LDP Tokyo 26 (Meguro/Ota wards)General branch Leader Former Ministry of Finance official
後援 デジタル庁
主催 ウェルエイジング経済フォーラム
Well Ageing Economic Forum
Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award
Thursday, 7 December, 18:30-21:30
(doors open 17:30*Exhibition of Age-tech including award-winning companies)Iino Building, Iino Conference & Hall 4F
Program Details
Part 1: Public-Private Policy Roundtable
Opening Adress
Yasutoshi Nishimura, Minister of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industries
■Keynote: Professor Masashi Yanagisawa, University of Tsukuba,
the world's most advanced researcher on sleep
■ Theme: Sleep x Innovation (tentative)
Using cutting-edge sleep research as a starting point, we will consider the resilience needed for wellbeing in the age of 100 years.
<Speakers and commentators
Prof Yanagisawa / Mr Robert Feldman, Senior Economist, Morgan Stanley
Mr. Kohei Yoshida, Counsellor, Government official of Cabinet Office
Mr. Fujioka, Government Official, Health Care Industry Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Ms Kotono Hara, Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Mr. Taro Ueno, CEO, SUSMED
Mr Masahiro Kimura, Senior Commercial Officer, Embassy of Finland / Embassy of Denmark and others
Questions from participants
<Part 2: Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award >
Announcement and presentation of the Minister's Award-winning start-ups
X Public-private innovation roundtable
■Opening Adress Taro Kono, Digital Minister
Minister's Award winning start-up announcement and presentation
Presentation of the Minister of Digital Award, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award and Excellence Award
Akimasa Ishikawa, Deputy Minister of Digital, presented the Minister of Digital Award.
Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award
Minister of Digital Award
SUSMED Corporation (Medical and Healthcare
CEO Ueno, a doctor, developed Japan's first application and technology to blockchain clinical trials to treat and improve modern diseases such as sleep disorders, which increase with age, and depression and new types of depression, which are rapidly increasing in the corporate sector. The system improves quality of life and significantly reduces medical costs by drastically reducing the use of prescription drugs, such as sleep-inducing drugs, which affect the human body with long-term use. Highly rated for innovation, technology, deployability and sustainability. Already reimbursed by the medical service. More hospitals are expected to use it.
Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award
Tear-Vl Corporation (Independence support, mobility and automated driving
In response to the increasing number of car accidents caused by dementia and other conditions and the increasing number of elderly people with mobility difficulties, we have developed a platform called Autowear, which is constantly updated with the world's most advanced automated driving software, equipment and other items. Members can share information on the latest sensors and other equipment and software from around the world, making it the world's first system for sharing and providing information on the latest automated driving software. The platform has already undergone demonstration projects in more than 40 locations across the country, and is being implemented in Shiojiri City, where co-creation and collaborative implementation with the local government and map information provider ISUN Technology is running smoothly, and is highly regarded as the best collaboration in the field of mobility in Japan. Co-creation of automated EVs is already underway with major car manufacturers such as Suzuki.
Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award
Award for Excellence
Mitsufuji Corporation
From Kyoto! From Nishijin textiles to IOT, Mitsuji developed a heart rate wearable that utilises tradition. Highly evaluated for its originality, innovation and deployability. Developed a high-quality, highly pulse-conductive silver thread by utilising the unique silk properties of Nishijin-ori weaving. This development was highly rated as difficult to achieve worldwide and valuable as intellectual property. The system was successfully linked to wearables on the wrist and clothing to enable accurate heartbeat to be managed by a smartphone. Combined results have been achieved through a demonstration project with the City of Kyoto. It has also contributed to the succession of the business of the local Nishijin weaving industry, and was highly evaluated for solving multiple problems of the super-aged society. More enquiries have been received from overseas than domestically, and there are high expectations for future
development potential.
Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award
Award for Excellence
Jenix Corporation
World's first! All-tooth toothbrush developed by graduate students at Waseda University. An initiative to reduce the burden of toothbrushing for both carers and patients, who need to brush their teeth every day in both nursing homes and at home. It also has a massaging effect in the oral cavity and improves the function of carers whose swallowing function has deteriorated. The product has already received enquiries from Hong Kong, Singapore and other ASEAN countries, and has received a high evaluation for its originality and expandability. Toothbrushes for disabled children and pets are also under development. As of December 2023, the company is in the process of demonstrating oral care for people with disabilities with Showa University, and has received orders from manufacturers with whom it has collaborated, and is highly regarded.
Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award
Award for Excellence
Gecko Corporation
First of its kind in Japan! As the social problems of lonely deaths and the elderly not being able to rent houses (only 4% of all real estate agents rent houses to the elderly) become more serious in Japan's super-aged society, Gecko has developed a low-cost insurance policy with Aioi Insurance using high-performance sensors to look after the elderly for 2000 yen a month. The service was highly evaluated as essential for Japan's super-aged society, especially as the number of elderly people on waiting lists who cannot rent a house in Tokyo is more than 1,000, more than the number of children on waiting lists, and is expected to become even more serious in the future. The fact that the service is the most affordable at this stage was also highly regarded for its inclusiveness.
Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award
Award for Excellence
A new function that alerts users whose AI has become pre-frail to an app to prevent frailty, which can be called a national disease, and is currently working with an insurance company's outing platform as a solution together with local authorities. In particular, the inclusiveness, technology, deployability unique to the carrier and originality of co-creation in bridging the digital divide for seniors, in collaboration with 130 local authorities nationwide, were highly evaluated.
*Others coming soon!
■Short Lecture Shinichiro Sanji, Senior Executive Officer, PwC Consulting LLC
■Theme Innovation for change
How can we create the power of ideas and technology that is not bound by stereotypes!
Leaders from various fields, including unicorn start-ups and fintech legislators, will be invited to discuss this in the public and private sectors.
<Speakers and commentators>.
Junichi Kanda, Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office / 5 award-winning start-ups
Shinichiro Sanji, Partner, PWC (tentative, to be confirmed)
Mr Shinpei Kato, CEO, Tier Ⅳ
Mr Kazumi Nishikawa, Director, Information Industry Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Mr Takeya Kobayashi, Counsellor, Cabinet Secretariat
Mr Takaaki Umezawa, Chairman, CIC Japan / Ms Ai Koike, Creative Fund GP
Mr Robert Feldman, Professor Yanagisawa and others to be confirmed
Part 3: Exchange (exchange of business cards) 21:00~21:30 *Complete withdrawal at 22:00
Fee: ¥3,500 in advance (please register via peatix)
5,000 yen on the day *includes tea and light refreshments (sandwichs only)
*Please refrain from recording, videotaping, route-selling and other forms of solicitation.
Please note that the theme and speakers may change slightly.
Supported by
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Digital Agency/ Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications / Ministry of Finance
Yumi Sato, CEO, Well Ageing Economic Forum
Re;Desigm your mindset from last paradigm
for the 100^year life
3th Well Aging Economic Forum
Well-being & Age-tech 2022 Award
with Pro Linda Grattton, author of LIFE SHIFT
2022/11/27 16:30~21:00@Hibiya Midtown BASE-Q
( held)
Introduction about fora and professor Linda Gratton from
Yumi Sato, Representative of Well Aging Economy Forum
■ From Yumi Sato, Representative of Well Aging Economic Forum
Explanation of the purpose of this forum and introduction of Ms. Linda Gratton
WHO from leftWell Aging Economic Forum Representative Yumi Sato / Linda Gratton
Key noto speech:
Professeor Linda Gratton
■ Theme: '100 year life' era, prescription for Japanese traditional enterprise
■ Speaker: Professor Linda Gratton, London Business School
Public and private policy roudtable with Linda Gratton
ーWhat is Japanese ageism of large companies in Japan?
ーReskilling ~How Japanese human resources could be reactive under the policy of new act?
ーThe conditions of Age diversity produce economic effect in Japan
ーWhat kind of Well-being management is required?
■Guest panel
・Professor Linda Gratton, London business school
・ Kohei Yoshida, Director of Digital Agency
・Famous economist, Professor of Tokyo university, Robert feldman
・Former executive of Uni-lever, YeeY CEO, Yuka shomada
■ MC
Yumi,Sato, Representative of Well ageing economy forum
・Takashi Komatsu, President of NRI Infometion System
・Masahiro Kimura , Executive business officer, Embassy of Finland
・Shiho Futagami, Professor, Yokohama national College
・HIdeki Takada, Director, General Policy Division, FSA
・Kazumi Nishikawa, General Affairs Manager, METI
・Masaaki Mezaki , CEO of GPSS holdeings
・Shintaro Furuya, CEO of COMMONZ
Yumi Sato, Repesentative , Well Aging Economy Forum
Embassy of Finland Masahiro Kimura NRI Social Information Systems Takashi Komatsu Financial Services Agency Hideki Takada COMMONZ GPSS Professor Yasutaro Furuya Yokohama National University CEO Yasutaro Furuya Masaaki Mezaki
Well-being & Age-tech 2022 Award
Opnening Speech from Disital Minister
Digital Minister Award Announced!
Presentation of Award-Winning Companies
Well-being & Age-tech 2022 Award
Digital Minister Award
Well-being & Age-tech 2022 Award