Well Aging Economic Forum

The Individual - How do l live a long productive life?
Next Gender Free, Age Free
Redesigning a super-aged society by taking
age-related values as a starting point.
For Wellbeing & Sustainability
写真:2022.11.30 Linda Gratton, Professor, London Business School.

Well-being, Well-aging
Well Ageing Economic Forum
Public & Private for Wellbeing & Sustainability
How can we enhance wellbeing in Japan, the world's most aged society with the lowest birthrate and the world's most common challenges, and how can we pass on a sustainable future to the next generation, at a time when population decline, ageing and longevity and technological innovation are accelerating? The Age Tech Forum is an all-generational co-creation, public service and pro bono non-profit organisation that transcends age, position and industry boundaries and brings together the knowledge and aspirations of the public and private sectors, building on the public-private policy roundtable* that has been ongoing since 2009, and holds an annual forum and Age Tech awards and presents a ministerial prize every year. In line with the Sustainability Disclosure, we have now launched the Sustainability Management Council, one of the seven action areas.
About Well-Aging Economic Forum

Representative Director/Founder
Yumi Sato
Policy Analyst/ Entrepreneur
Kazunari Sugimitsu
Professor of Graduate school of Kanazawa Technology University
Yojiro Kunitomo
Managing Director,
Goldman & Sachs
Deputy Director,
Ayumi Kono
Government official of MAFF
Drector Ueki Imaoka
Head of Tokyo 26-area, LDP/ former Government Offisial of MOF
Staff Kotono Hara
Government official of Foregn Affairs
Executive advisory board
Feldman Robert
Senior economist, MUFJ
Takaaki Umzawa
Chairman, AT Kerney, Japan
Ken Shibusawa
Chairman, Commons Investment
Takayuki Sumita
Executive Director, Sumitomo corporation
Keisuke Goda
Proffesor, Tokyo graduate University
Yuka Shimada
Reprezentative, Wellbeing Initiative
Norikazu Suzuki
Top runners from various fields.
Conference to propose new values for the 100-year age & an award to present the Minister's Prize to the masterpiece of Age Tech.
In 2022, a conference will be held with Linda Gratton, author of the international bestseller LIFE SHIFT: Life Strategies for the 100 Year Era. She proposes DEI, gender-free and age-free ways of living and working in the 100-year era. After the nuclear accident, coordinated a press conference and interview with the world-famous investor, Mr W. Buffett, to declare Japan's recovery; from 2021, organised an award to discover and promote the use of well-being tech and age tech that will lead to solutions for the challenges of the super-aged society, to enlighten minds and to promote Japan's By lobbying for social innovation and supporting the expansion and co-creation of social innovation around the world that faces the same challenges, we aim to realise a world where people can live enriched lives at any age.
Next to gender-free, Age-free!Byond Ageism
Towards an all-generational, self-reliant and symbiotic society where neither the old nor the young are restricted in their possibilities by age.
Change values, ways of living and working, and rules, to redesign a society with a very low birthrate and an ageing population.
We are too old’ and “too young to do anything”. Should we be disciplined at the top and obey at the bottom?
Have we set limits, restrictions and boundaries on our potential from childhood based on age, year or hierarchy? Some students say they cannot study abroad because they are a year late, while even high school girls assume that women lose value as they get older. In the workplace, they are often still required to be disciplined by their bosses. ..... Will Japan produce a French Prime Minister Atali (34), a British Prime Minister Sinak (42)* or a former Finnish Prime Minister Malin (34)*? It is difficult to speak up and innovation is difficult to be born in an organisation with poor ventilation. *Age at election
There is no ageism (discrimination and prejudice against age) in the country with the highest level of happiness in the world.
What is first needed for wellbeing in the age of 100 years is a way of looking at things and thinking that transcends the mental barriers and divisions of age and generation. Ageism (ageism, prejudice and annualism) is considered the third most discriminatory in the world after racism and gender discrimination, and the SDGs advocate the elimination of age discrimination and division from the perspective of inclusiveness, which is their main aim. In Finland, the happiest country in the world, there is not even a word for age discrimination. Now is the time for diversity of mind in individuals and in organisations.
Turning the pinch of a declining and ageing population into an opportunity. Solving Japan's challenges to solving the world's challenges.
There are countries that are growing despite an ageing population. An award will be organised to raise awareness and create a variety of options through rule-making suited to the actual situation, and to discover and promote the use of age-tech to enhance the wellbeing of an ageing society with a super-low birthrate. The winning companies are provided with domestic and international development and co-creation consulting support, including coordination with overseas government AgeTech inspection teams, local governments, international organisations and overseas universities, as well as regulatory support. By supporting the development and co-creation of Japanese social innovations in ASEAN and the rest of the world, which share the same challenges, we aim to realise a world in which people of all ages can live enriched lives and achieve peace.

Redesign your mindset from last paradigm
Prescription for Japanese companies
in the age of 100 years
Redesigning our lifestyle and work approach is essential for survival and innovation in this era of change.
Prof. Linda Gratton Visiting Lecturer on November 30, 2022.